It is truly in the small things; things you cannot put a price on. Some people chase happiness their whole lives and never find it, mainly because happiness does not need to be chased; it is not usually found in success, big houses, expensive cars, fame; this list goes on and on. These folks, I call them “chasers”, do not seem to realize that happiness—true happiness—comes when you treat yourself, not with a new car that is better than your neighbor’s, but with simple things like sitting in the park on a sunny day in your favorite season. NO ONE is too busy for that. If you have time to sit in a realtor’s office, a Mercedes’ dealership, or shopping at Sak’s, then you definitely have time to find a bench in the park, sit your backside down and enjoy whatever you enjoy. Feeding the birds, watching children play, or just taking in some fresh air.
But this is only part of it.
I get on my Facebook account and get really sick of whiners who just have to have everyone know how bad their lives suck, how bad they are treated, and then how “strong” they are. Yes, a rant once in a while is acceptable, so is asking for help and support. But those I am referring to do this just about every day, sometimes several times a day. I want to grab them by the lapels and shake the holy hell out of them. Get off your ass and make yourself happy, Nimrod! You DO NOT have to be this miserable!
“Oh I have nothing to be grateful for, there are no positives in my life, people bully me…blah blah blah… but I am the strongest person alive and you couldn’t survive all that I have…” Bullshit. Strong people don’t do that, and most people don’t feel sorry for you anyway. That sucks, but that’s how it is. After a while people get tired of your drama and will stop stroking your sad little ego and telling you how great you really are. You obviously don’t believe them anyway. Contentment does not come from approval of other people, fame, or fortune. Just ask Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Monroe, or other rich or famous unhappy dead person.
Now I know there are exceptions to every rule, even rules of contentment. If someone is constantly abused, a victim of human trafficking, in a war zone, someone who lives in bottom out poverty and filth and starvation. These poor folks, truly have it hard. I can imagine all they can find to be happy is their faith in God, should they have any, a minute of peace if they can find it, a chance to escape if they can grab it, or food and clean water. But this post is really for those who those who “struggle” with “first world problems.” I hate that saying—“first world problems.” And struggle is a word that is completely overused. Remember someone always has it worse than you. You either help these people, pray for them, or sit on your keister and do nothing. And helping those in terrible situations makes some people happy.
But, as they say, I digress.
For those who have a hard time finding positives in their lives, and yes I used to be one of them, here is a good suggestion that you can do. Journal your positives. YES! Journal your positives.
Here’s how:
1. Grab a notebook. It doesn’t have to be some fancy journal or diary. A plain notebook will do. If you’re a digital person, do a blog.
2. On the first page put whatever month/year it is. You can also tape or paste a picture of something you like, i.e., a cartoon character, pic of your kids, your favorite Hollywood person, or whatever makes you smile.
3. Second page, today’s date. Sit back for a moment and think of ONE thing that happened that was positive, or something that made you happy. For example, “My BFF called today…I enjoy talking to him/her.” OR “I had ten minutes to myself today and was able to daydream.” Did these things make you happy or content? Dahlings, you cannot put a price on these things.
4. On day two, do the same. However if you are lacking for time, try to at least do this every week. Try to remember something good/positive that happened every day and put it in there. Add pictures if you like—creates great visual stimulation. NEVER put drama or bad things in this book. If absolutely NOTHING happy happened on a certain day, skip it.
5. ALWAYS go back and read your entries. You will absorb them. You will find more and more positives in your life. Ultimately, your confidence and your own positivity will grow. Then you’ll realize that while life is hard, it is not as bad as you thought.
Sounds a little like I am selling something, doesn’t it? Well I’m not. I just feel that there are ways to enjoy life even when things are rough. This won’t make you hopping happy every day, but it can give you some contentment and peace. Times will get tough and this will show you that there is light in the darkness.
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Critiques are nice. There are many ways to critique something and not be a jerk about it. :)
No abusive comments--everyone is entitled to free speech under the constitution, which means the government cannot persecute you for what you say, however this does not mean I have to put up with nasty comments because you do not agree with what I write. If you cannot comment like a civilized human being with some sense, then go away.
Have a happy and a healthy! :)